Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Berks County Sheep Farm Heats Up!

  With heat indexes scheduled to exceed 100 this week, sheep at Trimburfield are keeping cool in their shaded, well-ventilated barn.  Lambs and older sheep come in every morning and settle down for the day in front of one of several fans positioned for maximum air circulation.
  When the heat index is this high, animals need shade, good ventilation and plenty of fresh cool water to stay healthy.  Animals that seem depressed, disoriented or overly heated require immediate attention; if in doubt, call your veterinarian.  When transporting animals, try to arrange transport for the cool hours of the night or early morning and make sure to keep water with you to offer every two hours while on the road.
                                       Young Ram Lamb Keeps His Cool While Resting Indoors  

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